Embrace Change With These Menopause Products

For many years women of menopausal age have expressed that they feel disregarded in the beauty and cosmetics industry, which, given that menopausal hormonal changes can significantly affect women’s skin and hair, is hugely disappointing. 

However, with this gap in the market clearly in strong demand, it’s great to see a positive trend emerging around the niche menopausal market, as formulators begin to focus on developing personal care products that are designed specifically to help women experiencing menopause. 

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Skinification for Scalp Care

‘Skinification’ isn’t just the latest fad; it’s a hugely popular movement that’s here to stay! This exciting approach to hair care values the importance of looking after your scalp, in the same way you do for your skin using similar skin care ingredients. More and more consumers and formulators are acknowledging that the scalp plays a vital factor in overall hair health – because when your scalp is looking its best, your hair is too!Continue reading

New Principal: Labio

We’re proud to introduce you to an exciting new principal for personal care products: Labio. Based in Korea, Labio specialises in bio-technology and specifically focuses on extremophiles. Through a unique combination of metabolome, fermentology and cell engineering, this innovative company looks at developing efficient, sustainable and more eco-friendly ingredients with enhanced dermatological benefits for a range of personal care applications.Continue reading

Plastic Packaging Tax

A £200 per tonne plastic tax will come into effect from the 1st April 2022 in the UK, what does it mean for our industry and how can we minimise the impact of this tax?Continue reading