Throughout the coronavirus crisis many people have changed their spending habits. With hygiene products continuing to fly off shelves, it is of little surprise that marketers are moving towards health and wellbeing when promoting their products.

As we’re using more sanitising products on our skin than ever before, it’s pertinent to note that delicate skin tissues can take a beating. With harsh alcohols present in hand gels and frequent handwashing still encouraged by governments, health and wellness remain at the core of shopping patterns.

With increased skin soreness prevalent due to the abrasiveness of COVID-19 sanitising measures, maintaining the health of our skin is of paramount importance.


Omega-3 For Healthy Skin

Omega-3 fatty acids have long been lauded as skincare saviours. However, though present in foodstuffs, it is difficult to get adequate levels of Omega-3 from diet alone and these deficiencies can wreak havoc on otherwise healthy skin. Though we can get Omega-3 through our diets, the potential for these acids to reach our skin through this method remains slow. Whilst topical application is also possible, Omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly fragile, making it difficult to create lotions and creams with a high content of these vital skin nutrients.

Chronic inflammatory diseases have reached near-epidemic levels in the western world, but due to the uncertain application of topical Omega-3 fatty acids, it has received little attention. It has been recently shown that Omega-3 fatty acid concentrate also reduces the risk of sunburn and benefited patients that are suffering from atopic dermatitis. Therefore, Omega-3 has been well-proven as a solution for various skin complaints.

Though this is all very well, you may still wonder why Omega-3 is so vital for healthy skin. Well, our skin needs to maintain a balance between Omega-6 and Omega-3 acids. With Omega-3 fatty acids slowing the rate of Omega-6 fatty acid conversion (which can cause an inflammatory response), a push of Omega-3 fatty acids will create less inflammatory prostaglandins of 3 series and LTB5.


What is Danomega-3

Considering these restrictions posed by the nature of these acids, we’re delighted to introduce Danomega-3. A special blend that contains very high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, Danomega-3 has the benefit of stabilisation that decreases the fragility of these acids.

An outcome of ISCS in-house research and development, Danomega-3 is made from cold pressed vegetable oils and is designed particularly for cosmetic applications.

  • INCI name: Brassica Campestris seed oil, Linum Usitatissimum seed oil
  • IFSC product code: 901028
  • CAS no.: 90889-79-0/8002-13-9 8001-26-1

As the world begins to reopen, cosmetics that also cater to the health of our bodies will be in high demand, and the skin-nourishing ingredients present in Danomega-3 can be used across numerous cosmetic applications.


What makes Danomega-3 Different

The skincare industry has long been saturated with synthetics and chemicals, and these can often leave long-lasting, undesirable effects of the skin. When selecting a formulation for skincare applications, you may be looking for ways to control the effects created by chemical products.

That’s where Danomega-3 comes in.  When topically applied to the skin, Danomega-3 has sensationally shown that it increases the anti-inflammatory eicosanoids within the human body. In turn, the visible and sensory effects of dermatitis and other skin complaints were significantly reduced.

However, though the benefits for the user are stark, Danomega-3 also has several additional benefits for formulators which are detailed below:

  • Shifts the balance of pro-inflammatory to anti-inflammatory compounds which removes the need for steroids.
  • Prolongs the shelf life of the cosmetic products they are used in.
  • Has stronger antioxidant properties when compared to natural tocopherols.
  • Has strong antimicrobial properties which can reduce the amount of chemical preservatives in the final formulation of the skincare product.
  • Has strong anti-inflammatory, anti-sunburn, and anti-aging properties.
  • There is no need to add antioxidants into the formulation of the final cosmetic product.

With natural cosmetics that offer minimal side effects taking precedence over chemical products as time goes on, Danomega-3 is an excellent way to future-proof your applications. Obtained from vegetable sources, solvent free and utilising natural herb extracts that offer physiological benefits, Danomega-3 stands out from the competition.


Applications for Danomega-3

When creating formulations for products, you may be wishing to garner information regarding suitable applications. As Danomega-3 is particularly effective for stressed out skin that is not always catered for in traditional cosmetics and personal care items, ideal applications for Danomega-3 are cream-based. However, it is equally effective in oil and anti-aging applications also.

As discussed, though Danomega-3 is primed for usage in many skincare applications, we have highlighted the most effective applications below:

  • Dry/Sensitive skin creams
  • Anti-wrinkle and anti-aging applications
  • Day/Night creams
  • Massage oils and creams
  • Body lotions

Should you be looking for more information on Danomega-3, our team would be delighted to assist. In addition to this, if you would like to hear more about sampling or are looking for advice from our lab team on including Danomega-3 in your formulations, then please reach out to us.

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