Personal care formulators – this one’s for you! In this blog post we’re showcasing some of W. Ulrich’s premium carrier oils that will help you formulate for beautifully radiant skin.

W. Ulrich is our newest principal to be welcomed into the HARKE Chemlink family. With headquarters in Munich, Germany, this innovative and forward-thinking company has been providing high-quality natural oils for over 90 years. 

We’re extremely proud to have been awarded exclusive distribution rights to sell natural oils for personal care applications across the UK and Ireland, and this distribution deal opens up W. Ulrich’s exciting portfolio of naturally derived oils to you – our personal care clients.  

So let’s take a look at some of W. Ulrich’s impressive range of carrier oils that’ll help take your formulations to new heights:

Almond oil

The almond originates from Central Asia and the Near East, and is now also cultivated in California and the Mediterranean. Its oil is obtained from ripe, skin-free seeds of both sweet and bitter almonds. 

Almond oil has great benefits for both the skin and hair. It has good penetration capabilities, making it ideal for dry skin, and doesn’t cause irritation or clog pores. It has the ability to make skin smooth and moist and it can be used in various skincare applications such as cold creams, skin oils, ointments and massage oils and stretch mark creams. In hair care applications, it is used to moisturise and strengthen hair structure.

Grape seed oil

Grape seed oil derives from the common grapevine (Vitis vinifera): a highly diverse and resilient plant that first originated from the region between the Black Sea and Iran. Today, it can be grown in many different areas. Its oil is produced from grape seeds which are a by-product of wine and juice production, making it a sustainable way to reduce waste.  

Grape seed oil has some remarkable health benefits which makes it hugely popular not just in the cosmetics industry but in many other industries too. It contains high levels of unsaturated fatty acids (including linoleic acid) and has great antioxidant compounds. In skin and hair care applications, it’s highly regarded for its moisturising and softening properties, its ability to strengthen hair and make skin supple, whilst also helping to reduce signs of ageing. 

Olive oil

Preferring a sub-tropical climate, the olive tree is native to the European Mediterranean, South Africa and the Middle East and is largely cultivated within the EU. The oil can be harvested and processed in different ways which create different qualities. 

Olive oil is widely used in personal care applications due to its antimicrobial properties. It’s rich in saturated fatty acids, polyphenols, squalene, vitamin E and phytosterols, many of which are seen to have a positive effect on the immune system. 

Apricot kernel oil

The apricot tree originates from China but is now cultivated in nearly every continent. The oil is obtained from the tree’s fruits where the kernels are extracted. 

Apricot kernel oil contains high levels of essential fatty acid residues, vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids and is mainly used in the cosmetics industry. It provides excellent moisture-retaining, soothing and nourishing properties, is quickly absorbed into the skin and its linoleic acid-rich triglycerides all make it ideal for many creams, shampoos and ointments. 

Take your formulations to the next level with these impressive carrier oils  

If you’d like to find out more about any of the carrier oils listed above, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our experienced technical team via the form below. They’ll discuss these novel ingredients in more detail, offering tailored advice based on your specific formulation targets. You can also find out more about W. Ulrich via our blog.

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