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Carrubba Incorporated is a leading creator of distinctive fragrances, flavours, and natural deodorants, as well as aromatic and botanical extracts. Their products are utilised by top manufacturers globally. 

Latest News About Carrubba

Unveiling the Science of Scents: Navigating the World of Functional Fragrances

Smell is arguably our most powerful sense; it has the ability to awaken many vivid memories and emotions and can significantly influence our mood and mental health. In fact, research suggests that
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Carrubba Hair Care Trends

Calling all hair care formulators – this one’s for you! In this post we’re showcasing three of this year’s key hair care trends from one of our principals Carrubba, focusing
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2024 Cosmetic Fragrance Trends with Carrubba

Carrubba, our principal, have provided some insights into the latest aroma trends for personal care and cosmetics which will be driving the market in 2024. Here’s a summary of the
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